Engagements, weddings, marriage: there's a heck of a lot of tradition wrapped up in this trinity of matrimony. Whether you're all in to observe custom or are more inclined to color outside the box, the engagement ring is the foundation that starts your journey down the aisle.
But as society continues to change and examine traditions that may no longer be relevant, many folks are raising the question: Do I have to propose with an engagement ring? At Aide-mémoire, we believe you can propose however and with whatever makes you feel like you. There is no one-size-fits-all way to pop the question. We suggest casting a wider net by considering engagement jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, and bracelets are all fantastic alternatives that can commemorate the moment equally meaningfully. If, after the proposal, your partner decides a ring is still part of the master plan, you can both choose the ring together, taking the stress out of the engagement ring guessing game.
Looking for engagement jewelry ideas? Let us help you get started with a few whimsical and creative options. Be sure to browse our website to see our full collection of heirloom, engagement ready jewelry.
The Mini Ring Pendant
A fun option, especially for folks who want to propose with a ring (of sorts) - the Mini Ring Pendant is no bigger than a chocolate chip morsel. It's a mini-me version of the classic solitaire engagement ring with a 2mm lab-grown diamond. Put this petite pendant on a chain, and you couldn't ask for a more charming way to propose.
Hand Engraved Date Necklace
How about commemorating your proposal (or wedding) date with our hand-engraved date necklace? Adorned with two lab-grown diamonds, this pendant makes a handsome keepsake of your proposal journey with a custom-engraved date celebrating your big day.
Birthstone Charm or Birth Flower Pendant
Birth can signify many things: the day we are born, a new beginning, growth, and maturity. We love the idea of choosing a gemstone or flower corresponding to your proposal day's month. You'll always have a way of remembering the exact month you said "I do!"
Does your partner have a penchant for earrings? You could propose with a pair of engagement earrings. Should your partner decide on an engagement ring down the line, you can choose a gemstone, precious metal, or shape that matches your engagement earrings to solidly seal the deal. Basket Solitaire Earrings, top left: Tiny Pebble Studs, bottom left;
Four Stone Cluster Prong-Set Stud Earrings, right
Stand-in Proposal Rings
If you're uncertain about the type of engagement jewelry your partner might want, our Stand-in Proposal Rings are here to help! We keep several of these Stand-ins in stock in a couple of our more popular sizes, making them quick to ship at a moment's notice. Basket Solitaire Stand-in Proposal Ring (left)
Flat Sterling Silver Proposal Band (right)
As always, we're here for you whatever you decide. You can always reach out to us with questions about engagement jewelry options and ideas. We'd love to connect with you and make your proposal journey a happy success!